Thursday, July 28, 2011

gimme some heat mon...

if you were to ask me what kind of weather i prefer i would immediately respond with "i like it hot".  i'm most comfortable when the weather is a more moderate 78°F but i love it when it's sunny and 85°.  the only exception is in the evening...particularly bedtime.  i love to curl up under a big fluffy comforter surrounded by equally fluffy pillows.  that's not happening if it is warm...  not that i can't sleep when it's warm, just that i would prefer to be warm because i'm under soft blankets and pillows and not sprawled out panting like a dog trying to cool off.  add in the weird quirk where i prefer to breathe cool, dry air and not hot, humid air and i'm quite the sight all bundled up save for my nose and mouth which must have access to cooler air. 

that my house i expect the air conditioning system to work the most at night.  which it failed to do last night. i woke up almost wheezing because the air was hot and thick, saturated heavily which is no surprise since it was also storming like mad.  frustrated, i seriously debated sleeping in my dusty, construction trash filled, unfinished basement.  and i hate unfinished basements. they scare me.  here's to hoping my house isn't a furnace when i get home later.  poor kona is probably panting his little heart out.

total change in topic: i can't wait to be able to do this to my baby...jan can't come fast enough! (just kidding. jan can wait...take your time, no rush!)

 eeeeee...too friggin cute.

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