Friday, July 1, 2011

whats in a dream?

i know i dream every night and i know i have multiple dreams every night and obviously i know i don't remember about 99.9% of them.  but the ones i do remember...are either extremely vivid and detailed, or are disturbingly strange and i wake up thinking WHAT.THE.FUCK?! usually the residuals of the dream linger long enough for me to piece most of it back together though sometimes other things come into my mind and i lose the dream as it fades back into my subconscious.  sometimes even when the dream fades it still leaves an impression especially if it's one of the more strange of the bunch.  riding a magic horse to the hospital for instance....actually, that one i remember most of the dream.

last nights dream is a jumble and though most of it has faded there are key parts that i do remember...

first off. i was clearly an assassin. a hired gun.  and within my 'organization' i had one particular person as my competition.  that person was definitely liev schreiber in full assassin mode a la 'salt' however he looked more like this:

hey scruffy...
did i mention i frequently have dreams with celebrities? bruce willis, paul walker, patrick dempsey... mcdreamy in my dreams...woot.

anyway, back to last nights dream.

i was an assassin. and my "buddy" liev and i were going after the same target. but we got spotted and had to run. funny thing dreams...daylight can become night in an instant and outside can become inside.  so we're running in broad daylight and then we find trees below us and all of a sudden we're cloaked in darkness as we literally jump down into the trees and do something called a 'rainbow' where we basically entwine our bodies into the limbs of the tree. (don't ask...i have NO CLUE) our enemies spot us because his pale ass arm was sticking out. again...i dont know how we became invisible by hiding in trees.  and they yell out "it's them he's got the tattoo" and then i realize i have a tattoo on the inside of my wrist. but since they found us i break cover and run...get this...out the door.  like i was inside that whole time. 

the rest are just bits and pieces, me running and meeting up with more people in my organization including my 'significant other' whose face changed a few times...weird. anyway, there was lots of running and shooting.  and the last bit was me and my guy sitting in a cafe guns on the table next to our cups of coffee and as we lean in to kiss...I WAKE UP.

i suppose its better than the magic horse one where i literally was 'flying' on the ground pulling myself along with the help of a woman and a child trying to get to the hospital because i had hives/boils/blisters all over my body after going for a swim in a lake and then getting picked up by the magic horse who took me to the hospital only part of the hospital was an animal hospital so i sill had to find the people part of the hospital but by the time i got there i fainted and had a miscarriage...but also in that same dream i lost one of my best friends so overall it was a really bad dream. 

anyone care to dive in to interpret the oddities of my mind?

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