Friday, April 15, 2011

I can cry if I want to dammit.

Another day, another year, another number.  I only feel old when thinking about the younger family members, like my cousins who are seniors in high school...I think, wait, they're going to college in the fall?! Yikes.  I only feel old thinking how I'm now only 3 years away from 30.  Not that 30 is old.  Nope.  Because once I start thinking 30 is old, well...its all downhill from there.  It just, feels old when you think about it.  But it's all relative.  A 30 year old house is not old, a 30 year old car however...

Can I just pretend that it's my 25th birthday again? I seem to have stopped keeping track since then. I have to stop and think about it when someone asks me how old I am now.  Then comes the snarky "What, you forgot how old you are? Man you're getting old..."  To which I say, STFU... The point is I feel no older than 25, and frankly I hope that feeling lasts for many more years.  With any luck my aging process will be similar to this....


I'm not old...I'm not old...

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