Thursday, May 26, 2011

13 again.

If there was any time for me to act a fool and revert to my 13 year old teenie bopper boy band loving baby face swooning self, it was last the NKOTBSB concert. ::swoon:: Thank you Groupon, for having NKOTBSB tickets for $20.  You have made my entire week.  I really wanted to go and I really didn't want to spend a lot of money just to go, but holy sexy men batman, it was WORTH IT.  I'm kind of jealous that my friend Steph gets to go again when they come back in a couple weeks.  I am utterly and completely wiped out having only had a couple hours of sleep last night but I'm still running on adrenaline replaying the concert in my head over and over and over again.

Those boys are still looking oh so gorgeous.  Donnie is a sin for a man over 40 to look as good as you do, but please, don't stop.  Nick Carter...what can I say...If you want me, I'm yours.  Jordan Knight...would you stop looking so hot?! Brian're so sexy and goofy its turning me on.

NKOTB strutting down the not so mysteriously phallic shaped stage.
Donnie ripping his shirt off and throwing it into the audience...I was so entranced by the topless man on stage I nearly missed the cat fight that broke out between
Everything BSB.
NKOTBSB Mash up...It was like a sexplosion of secstasy. 
Old school boy band dance moves.
Hip thrusts and lots of them.
Love Ballads
Nick's little body roll while singing "am I sexual"
Brian and Howie's random entrance right under where we were sitting...considered a highlight because of Brian's proximity however, not so much since I wasn't close enough to touch...sigh.

Hm, so yeah.  Lots of screaming, lots of swooning, lots of man ogling.  I may be a zombie today, but I'm one happy lust filled zombie.

Even better....
AUTOGRAPHED PIC.  That's right be jealous.  So at will call, where I picked up my awesome tickets for the best concert ever, my sister managed to find this little gem.  I was too preoccupied to notice that my cousin slyly walked out with it.  Upon further inspection it was determined that the signatures are in fact...REAL.  Therefore the poor, poor girl who lost it is probably still crying her eyes out as we speak.  To that I say, finders keepers!  My sister tried to steal it from me when she got out of my car, in fact she actually did steal it.  However I know she knows that I know she's going to give that thing back to me.   So no I did not in reality get to meet them, however I may be OK with people thinking that I did. Wahahaha.

I <3 NKOTBSB!!! Ah, I wanna go again!


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