Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Oh, puppy....

God made puppies cute so you don't kill them.  - Me.  

Yesterday I come home to find my baby, who is locked up in his crate during the day, with pieces of curtain in his mouth, the crate tray kicked out, the crate sideways, and half my curtain pulled into his crate.  The futon was pushed into the middle of the room, though I have a feeling the neighbor kid we hire did that to try and push the crate away from the curtains.  I stood there for a moment literally with my mouth agape, too shocked to remember to take a picture as he stood there hunched over in his too wide, too short crate gently wagging his tail.  "Hi, mommy." he joyfully seemed to say, oblivious to the fact that I was about to blow a gasket. One look in his face though, and I melted like butter in the oven.  He was just so happy to see me.  It helped that I really hated those curtains too...


  1. I know exactly what you mean. Our Great Dane destroyed one of the back cushions on the sofa... spread all the stuffing all over the living room rug, and when I got home, and she looked up at me with those eyes the size of giant gumballs I just cracked up and had to admit that if she was attempting a recreation of the Himalayas... she was damn close.

  2. LOL I can just imagine it... Gotta love our dogs, right?
