I'm so not made for life at home. I'm domesticated for sure..I love to cook for my family, I love spending time with my family, and I definitely love sleeping in til the kid demands to be up. I don't mind cleaning (usually) and doing house chores, or even looking after my grandma (most days) who's quickly fading into the depths of Alzheimer's and most of the time doesn't remember who I am or that she's not a child herself. But my dirty truth is I'd so much rather love to be working. Working away from the house. Maybe its because I'm kind of stuck right now living in my childhood home and life as an adult, a single mom, and unemployed is a huge part of why I would rather be away from this house. This house that's full of parental expectations, judgement on how I raise my son, and people. So many people. That's probably a huge reason why, but I'm aware enough to know that even if I had my own place with my little family, I would still go nuts at home. I need a change of scenery.
You know what my typical day looks like?
8am - Wake up and prepare breakfast for me, the kid, and my grandma, try to convince the kid m&m's are not acceptable breakfast foods
somewhere around 8:30 and 9a - try to convince both kid and grandma to finish eating their breakfast and remind grandma to take her medications
9:30a - clean up the kitchen, put dishes in the dishwasher, etc
10am - put myself and the kid in regular clothes...or not. depending on my mood
somewhere between 10 and 11am - juggle between trying to job hunt/prepare for interviews/entertaining the 4 year old who's got the attention span of a goldfish
11am - try to convince grandma she doesn't have to cook anything, try to convince the kid m&ms are not acceptable lunch food
11:15am - try to convince grandma she doesnt have to cook anything, try to convince the kid ice pops are not acceptable lunch food
11:30am - convince grandma that i'm going to cook so she doesnt have to cook anything, try to convince the kid to eat ANYTHING other than ketchup sandwiches and waffles, end up negotiating red bell peppers, some kind of fruit, and a veggie squeeze pack in addition to the ketchup sandwich/waffle
12pm - prepare lunch for me, the kid, and grandma
12:30pm - try to convince kid and grandma to finish eating their lunch and make grandma take her medications
1pm - try to convince the kid he should nap, end up negotiating quiet time
1:30pm - shower...because i finally have time to
somewhere between 2 and 3pm -juggle between trying to job hunt/prepare for interviews/entertaining the 4 year old who's got the attention span of a goldfish
somewhere before dinner - try to convince the kid m&m's are not for dinner but he can have them for dessert then deal with resulting meltdown because the kid didnt get a nap
Repeat the lunch situation for dinner, which is usually served around 5:30-6pm then clean up the kitchen, put dishes away, etc
After dinner - juggle an overly tired and sensitive 4 year old into the tub/pajamas to get ready for bedtime
I know it doesn't sound like a lot..but I guarantee by 9pm I'm ready for bed... especially on days I do laundry in the in between times of randomness.
Today I have been trying to prepare for an interview for a job that I actually think I really want based on the job posting and talking with the recruiter. Preparing answers to potential questions to which I really have no good answers for and questions about the company and the company culture. Because what if they have an issue with my tattoos or my preference for pink hair?! Being an engineer that doesn't fit the engineer mold kind of limits my search and eliminates some of the more conservative places that would scoff at my "vibrant personality". But how am I suppose to do that when my train of thought is disrupted every few minutes? How am I suppose to concentrate when the kid wants to sit in my lap and use my computer? Sigh.
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